]> kaliko git repositories - mpd-sima.git/blob - man/mpd_sima.cfg.5.xml
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[mpd-sima.git] / man / mpd_sima.cfg.5.xml
1 <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
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4 `xsltproc -''-nonet \
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8           /usr/share/xml/docbook/stylesheet/nwalsh/manpages/docbook.xsl \
9           manpage.xml'
11 A manual page <package>.<section> will be generated. You may view the
12 manual page with: nroff -man <package>.<section> | less'. A typical entry
13 in a Makefile or Makefile.am is:
15 DB2MAN = /usr/share/sgml/docbook/stylesheet/xsl/nwalsh/manpages/docbook.xsl
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18 manpage.1: manpage.xml
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21 The xsltproc binary is found in the xsltproc package. The XSL files are in
22 docbook-xsl. A description of the parameters you can use can be found in the
23 docbook-xsl-doc-* packages. Please remember that if you create the nroff
24 version in one of the debian/rules file targets (such as build), you will need
25 to include xsltproc and docbook-xsl in your Build-Depends control field.
26 Alternatively use the xmlto command/package. That will also automatically
27 pull in xsltproc and docbook-xsl.
29 Notes for using docbook2x: docbook2x-man does not automatically create the
30 AUTHOR(S) and COPYRIGHT sections. In this case, please add them manually as
31 <refsect1> ... </refsect1>.
33 To disable the automatic creation of the AUTHOR(S) and COPYRIGHT sections
34 read /usr/share/doc/docbook-xsl/doc/manpages/authors.html. This file can be
35 found in the docbook-xsl-doc-html package.
37 Validation can be done using: `xmllint -''-noout -''-valid manpage.xml`
39 General documentation about man-pages and man-page-formatting:
40 man(1), man(7), http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/Man-Page/
42 -->
43 <!DOCTYPE refentry [
45   <!ENTITY dhsection   "5">
46   <!ENTITY dhpackage "mpd-sima">
47   <!ENTITY dhutils "mpd_sima.cfg">
49 ]>
51 <refentry xmlns="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook"
52           xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude" version="5.0">
53   <xi:include href="info.xml" />
54   <refmeta>
55       <refentrytitle>&dhutils;</refentrytitle>
56       <manvolnum>&dhsection;</manvolnum>
57   </refmeta>
58     <refnamediv>
59         <refname>&dhutils;</refname>
60         <refpurpose>&dhpackage; will try to maintain some titles ahead in the queue
61             following different policies. This manual document the
62             configuration file for &dhpackage;.</refpurpose>
63     </refnamediv>
64     <refsect1 id="description">
65         <title>DESCRIPTION</title>
66         <para>This manual page documents briefly <command>&dhpackage;</command>
67             configuration options available in user configuration file
68             (see <xref linkend="files"/>).</para>
69     </refsect1>
70     <refsect1 id="examples">
71         <title>EXAMPLES</title>
72         <!--
73         <refsect2 id="track">
74             <title>Default queue mode, similar artist.</title>
75             <para></para>
76             <para></para>
77         </refsect2> -->
78         <refsect2 id="album">
79             <title>Album queue mode.</title>
80             <para>Here is an example of album queue configuration.</para>
81             <programlisting><xi:include href="album.cfg" parse="text" />
82             </programlisting>
83         </refsect2>
84     </refsect1>
86     <refsect1 id="options">
87         <title>Configuration file</title>
88         <para>The configuration file consists of sections, led by a
89             <command>[section]</command> header and followed by <option>name: value</option>
90             entries, with continuations in the style of RFC 822 (see section
91             3.1.1, “LONG HEADER FIELDS”); <option>name=value</option> is also accepted. Lines
92             beginning with <parameter>'#'</parameter> or <parameter>';'</parameter>
93             are ignored and may be used to provide comments (<emphasis>Nota
94                 Bene:</emphasis> inline comment are possible using <parameter>'#'</parameter>).</para>
95         <title>OPTIONS</title>
96         <para>The default values are used in the options lists below.</para>
97         <refsect2 id="MPD">
98             <title>MPD section</title>
99             <para>This section is meant to configure MPD access, MPD host
100                 address / port and password if necessary.</para>
101             <variablelist>
102                 <!-- Use the variablelist.term.separator and the
103                 variablelist.term.break.after parameters to
104                 control the term elements. -->
105                 <varlistentry> <!-- MPD -->
106                     <term><option>[MPD]</option></term>
107                     <listitem></listitem>
108                 </varlistentry>
109                 <varlistentry> <!-- MPD.host -->
110                     <term><option>host=</option><replaceable>localhost</replaceable></term>
111                     <listitem>
112                         <para>Set MPD host. Use IP or FQDN.</para>
113                     </listitem>
114                 </varlistentry>
115                 <varlistentry> <!-- MPD.port -->
116                     <term><option>port=</option><replaceable>6600</replaceable></term>
117                     <listitem>
118                         <para>Set host port to access MPD to.</para>
119                     </listitem>
120                 </varlistentry>
121                 <varlistentry> <!-- MPD.password -->
122                     <term><option>password=</option><replaceable>s3cr3t</replaceable></term>
123                     <listitem>
124                         <para>Set MPD password to use. Do not use this option
125                             if you don't have enabled password protected access
126                             on your MPD server.</para>
127                     </listitem>
128                 </varlistentry>
129             </variablelist>
130         </refsect2>
131         <refsect2 id="log">
132             <title>log section</title>
133             <para>Configure logging.</para>
134             <variablelist>
135                 <varlistentry> <!-- LOG -->
136                     <term><option>[log]</option></term>
137                     <listitem><para></para></listitem>
138                 </varlistentry>
139                 <varlistentry> <!-- log.logfile -->
140                     <term><option>logfile=</option></term>
141                     <listitem>
142                         <para>File to log to, usually in dæmon mode.<sbr />Defaut
143                             (empty or unset) is to log to stdin/stdout.</para>
144                     </listitem>
145                 </varlistentry>
146                 <varlistentry> <!-- log.verbosity -->
147                     <term><option>verbosity=</option><replaceable>info</replaceable></term>
148                     <listitem>
149                         <para>Logging verbosity among
150                             <replaceable>debug</replaceable>,
151                             <replaceable>info</replaceable>,
152                             <replaceable>warning</replaceable>,
153                             <replaceable>error</replaceable>.</para>
154                     </listitem>
155                 </varlistentry>
156             </variablelist>
157         </refsect2>
158         <refsect2 id="daemon">
159             <title>Process daemonization</title>
160             <para>Configure process daemon.</para>
161             <variablelist>
162                 <varlistentry> <!-- DAEMON -->
163                     <term><option>[daemon]</option></term>
164                     <listitem><para></para></listitem>
165                 </varlistentry>
166                 <varlistentry> <!-- daemon.daemon -->
167                     <term><option>daemon=false</option></term>
168                     <listitem>
169                         <para>whether to daemonize process or not.</para>
170                     </listitem>
171                 </varlistentry>
172                 <varlistentry> <!-- daemon.pidfile -->
173                     <term><option>pidfile=</option></term>
174                     <listitem>
175                         <para>Where to store process ID.</para>
176                     </listitem>
177                 </varlistentry>
178             </variablelist>
179         </refsect2>
180         <refsect2 id="sima">
181             <title>sima section</title>
182             <para>Core &dhutils; configuration.</para>
183             <variablelist>
184                 <varlistentry> <!-- SIMA -->
185                     <term><option>[sima]</option></term>
186                     <listitem><para></para></listitem>
187                 </varlistentry>
188             <variablelist>
189                 <varlistentry> <!-- sima.contrib -->
190                     <term><option>contrib=</option><replaceable></replaceable></term>
191                     <listitem>
192                         <para></para>
193                     </listitem>
194                 </varlistentry>
195                 <varlistentry> <!-- sima.internal -->
196                     <term><option>internal=</option><replaceable>Lastfm, Random, Crop</replaceable></term>
197                     <listitem>
198                         <para>&dhpackage;'s plugin management for internal source plugin
199                             and contrib (ie. external plugins).<sbr /> Plugins list is a
200                             comma separated string list.<sbr /> Optional plugin's
201                             configuration lays in its own section.<sbr />For instance a
202                             "AwesomePlugin" declared here gets its configuration from the
203                             corresponding section "[awesomeplugin]".
204                         </para>
205                         <para>The default list of plugins to load at startup: <option>Lastfm</option>,<option>Random</option>,<option>Crop</option>.<sbr />
206                             <option>Crop</option> is an utility plugin, it does not queue any tracks (cf. below).<sbr />
207                             <option>Random</option> will queue a track at random if other plugins did not return any tracks.<sbr />
208                         </para>
209                         <para>You can add here as many plugins you want,
210                             currently shipping <option>Lastfm</option> only.<sbr />
211                             The priority may be used to order them.
212                         </para>
213                     </listitem>
214                 </varlistentry>
215                 <varlistentry> <!-- sima.history_duration -->
216                     <term><option>history_duration=</option><replaceable>8</replaceable></term>
217                     <listitem>
218                         <para>How far to look back in history to avoid to play
219                             twice the same track/title (duration in
220                             hours).<sbr />
221                             The <option>history_duration</option> is also used to give priority to not recently played artists.
222                         </para>
223                     </listitem>
224                 </varlistentry>
225                 <varlistentry> <!-- sima.queue_length -->
226                     <term><option>queue_length=</option><replaceable>2</replaceable></term>
227                     <listitem>
228                         <para>Threshold value triggering queue process.</para>
229                     </listitem>
230                 </varlistentry>
231                 <varlistentry> <!-- sima.musicbrainzid -->
232                     <term><option>musicbrainzid=</option><replaceable>true</replaceable></term>
233                     <listitem>
234                         <para>Use MusicBrainzIdentifier to search music (mainly
235                             for artists).
236                             Default is True, switch to False if you don't have
237                             MusicBrainzIdentifier set for at least 80% of you
238                             music library.<sbr /> Consider using these metadata as it
239                             enhances a lot artist/album/tracks identification.
240                             Use Picard to tag your file: <ulink url="https://picard.musicbrainz.org/"/>.
241                         </para>
242                     </listitem>
243                 </varlistentry>
244             </variablelist>
245             </variablelist>
246         </refsect2>
247         <refsect2 id="crop">
248             <title>Crop section</title>
249             <para>crop plugin's configuration:</para>
250                 <varlistentry> <!-- crop -->
251                     <term><option>[crop]</option></term>
252                 </varlistentry>
253                 <varlistentry> <!-- crop.consume -->
254                     <term><option>consume=</option><replaceable>10</replaceable></term>
255                     <listitem>
256                         <para>How many played tracks to keep in the queue.
257                             Allows you to maintain a fixed length queue.
258                             Set to some negative integer to keep all played tracks.
259                         </para>
260                     </listitem>
261                 </varlistentry>
262                 <varlistentry> <!-- crop.priority -->
263                     <term><option>priority=</option><replaceable>10</replaceable></term>
264                     <listitem>
265                         <para>
266                             Plugin priority
267                         </para>
268                     </listitem>
269                 </varlistentry>
270         </refsect2>
271         <refsect2 id="random">
272             <title>Random section</title>
273             <para>Random plugin's configuration:</para>
274                 <varlistentry> <!-- random -->
275                     <term><option>[random]</option></term>
276                 </varlistentry>
277                 <varlistentry> <!-- random.flavour -->
278                     <term><option>flavour=</option><replaceable>sensible</replaceable></term>
279                     <listitem>
280                         <para>When no similar tracks are found, falling back to
281                             random queuing. Different mode, aka random flavour,
282                             are available:
283                             <replaceable>pure</replaceable>,
284                             <replaceable>sensible</replaceable>,
285                             <replaceable>genre</replaceable>.
286                             <itemizedlist mark='bullet'>
287                                 <listitem>
288                                     <para><replaceable>pure</replaceable>, pure random choice, even among recently played track.
289                                     </para>
290                                 </listitem>
291                                 <listitem >
292                                     <para><replaceable>sensible</replaceable>, use play history to filter chosen tracks.
293                                     </para>
294                                 </listitem>
295                                 <listitem>
296                                     <para><replaceable>genre</replaceable>, Not implemented yet.
297                                     </para>
298                                 </listitem>
299                             </itemizedlist>
300                         </para>
301                     </listitem>
302                 </varlistentry>
303                 <varlistentry> <!-- random.priority -->
304                     <term><option>priority=</option><replaceable>50</replaceable></term>
305                     <listitem>
306                         <para>
307                             Plugin priority
308                         </para>
309                     </listitem>
310                 </varlistentry>
311         </refsect2>
312         <refsect2 id="lastfm">
313             <title>LastFm section</title>
314             <para>LastFM plugin's configuration.</para>
315             <variablelist>
316                 <varlistentry> <!-- lastfm -->
317                     <term><option>[lastfm]</option></term>
318                 </varlistentry>
319                 <varlistentry> <!-- lastfm.queue_mode -->
320                     <term><option>queue_mode=</option><replaceable>track</replaceable></term>
321                     <listitem>
322                         <para>Queue mode to use among
323                             <replaceable>track</replaceable>,
324                             <replaceable>top</replaceable> and
325                             <replaceable>album</replaceable> (see <xref linkend="queue_mode"/> for info about queue modes).</para>
326                     </listitem>
327                 </varlistentry>
328                 <varlistentry> <!-- lastfm.max_art -->
329                     <term><option>max_art=</option><replaceable>10</replaceable></term>
330                     <listitem>
331                         <para>Number of similar artist to retrieve from local
332                             media library.<sbr />When set to something superior
333                             to zero, it tries to get as much similar artists
334                             from media library.</para>
335                     </listitem>
336                 </varlistentry>
337                 <varlistentry> <!-- lastfm.depth -->
338                     <term><option>depth=</option><replaceable>1</replaceable></term>
339                     <listitem>
340                         <para>How many artists to base on similar artists
341                             search.<sbr /> The first is the last played artist
342                             and so on back in the history. Highter depth
343                             generates wider suggestions, it might help to
344                             reduce looping over same artists.
345                             </para>
346                     </listitem>
347                 </varlistentry>
348                 <varlistentry> <!-- lastfm.single_album -->
349                     <term><option>single_album=</option><replaceable>false</replaceable></term>
350                     <listitem>
351                         <para>Prevent from queueing a track from the same album
352                             (it often happens with OST).<sbr />
353                             Only relevant in "track" queue mode.</para>
354                     </listitem>
355                 </varlistentry>
356                 <varlistentry> <!-- lastfm.track_to_add -->
357                     <term><option>track_to_add=</option><replaceable>1</replaceable></term>
358                     <listitem>
359                         <para>How many track(s) to add. Only relevant in
360                             <option>top</option> and <option>track</option>
361                             queue modes.</para>
362                     </listitem>
363                 </varlistentry>
364                 <varlistentry> <!-- lastfm.album_to_add -->
365                     <term><option>album_to_add=</option><replaceable>1</replaceable></term>
366                     <listitem>
367                         <para>How many album(s) to add. Only relevant in
368                             <option>album</option> queue modes.</para>
369                     </listitem>
370                 </varlistentry>
371                 <varlistentry> <!-- lastfm.cache -->
372                     <term><option>cache=</option><replaceable>True</replaceable></term>
373                     <listitem>
374                         <para>Whether or not to use on-disk persistent http
375                             cache.<sbr />When set to "true", sima will use a
376                             persistent cache for its http client. The cache is
377                             written along with the dbfile in:<sbr />
378                             <filename>$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/mpd_sima/http/WEB_SERVICE</filename>.<sbr/>
379                             If set to "false", caching is still done but in memory.
380                         </para>
381                     </listitem>
382                 </varlistentry>
383                 <varlistentry> <!-- lastfm.priority -->
384                     <term><option>priority=</option><replaceable>100</replaceable></term>
385                     <listitem>
386                         <para>
387                             Plugin priority
388                         </para>
389                     </listitem>
390                 </varlistentry>
391             </variablelist>
392         </refsect2>
393     </refsect1>
394     <refsect1 id="queue_mode">
395         <title>QUEUE MODES</title>
396         <para>&dhpackage; offers different queue modes. All of them pick up
397             tracks from artists similar to the last track in the queue.</para>
398         <para>&dhpackage; tries preferably to chose among unplayed artists or
399             at least not recently played artist. Concerning track and album
400             queue modes titles are chosen purely at random among unplayed
401             tracks.</para>
402         <variablelist>
403             <varlistentry>
404                 <term><option>track</option></term>
405                 <listitem>
406                     <para>Queue a similar track chosen at random from a similar artist.</para>
407                 </listitem>
408             </varlistentry>
409             <varlistentry>
410                 <term><option>top</option></term>
411                 <listitem>
412                     <para>Queue a track from a similar artist, chosen among
413                         "top tracks" according to last.fm data mining.</para>
414                 </listitem>
415             </varlistentry>
416             <varlistentry>
417                 <term><option>album</option></term>
418                 <listitem>
419                     <para>Queue a whole album chosen at random from a similar artist.</para>
420                     <para><emphasis>Nota Bene:</emphasis><sbr /> Due to the
421                         track point of view of database build upon tracks tags
422                         an album lookup for a specific artist will return
423                         albums as soon as this artist appears in a single track
424                         of the album.<sbr />
425                         For instance looking for album from "The Velvet
426                         Underground" will fetch "Last Days" and "Juno" OSTs
427                         because the band appears on the soundtrack of these two
428                         movies.<sbr />
429                         A solution is for you to set AlbumArtists tag to
430                         something different than the actual artist of the
431                         track. For compilations, OSTs etc. a strong convention
432                         is to use "Various Artists" for this tag.</para>
433                     <para>&dhpackage; is currently looking for AlbumArtists tags
434                         and avoid album where this tag is set with "Various
435                         Artists". If a single track within an album is found
436                         with AlbumArtists:"Various Artists" the complete album
437                         is skipped and won't be queued.</para>
438                 </listitem>
439             </varlistentry>
440         </variablelist>
441     </refsect1>
442   <xi:include href="files.xml" />
443   <xi:include href="feedback.xml" />
444   <xi:include href="seealso.xml" />
445 </refentry>