7 from sima.lib.simadb import SimaDB
8 from sima.lib.track import Track
9 from sima.lib.meta import Album, Artist, MetaContainer
14 'albumartist': 'Devolt',
15 'albumartistsort': 'Devolt',
20 'file': 'music/Devolt/2011-Grey/03-Devolt - Crazy.mp3',
21 'last-modified': '2012-04-02T20:48:59Z',
22 'musicbrainz_albumartistid': 'd8e7e3e2-49ab-4f7c-b148-fc946d521f99',
23 'musicbrainz_albumid': 'ea2ef2cf-59e1-443a-817e-9066e3e0be4b',
24 'musicbrainz_artistid': 'd8e7e3e2-49ab-4f7c-b148-fc946d521f99',
25 'musicbrainz_trackid': 'fabf8fc9-2ae5-49c9-8214-a839c958d872',
27 'duration': '220.000',
31 DB_FILE = 'file::memory:?cache=shared'
32 KEEP_FILE = True # File db in file to ease debug
34 DB_FILE = '/dev/shm/unittest.sqlite'
35 CURRENT = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
36 IN_THE_PAST = CURRENT - datetime.timedelta(hours=1)
39 class Main(unittest.TestCase):
40 """Deal with database creation and purge between tests"""
44 self.db = SimaDB(db_path=DB_FILE)
47 # Maintain a connection to keep the database (when stored in memory)
48 self.conn = self.db.get_database_connection()
58 def tearDownClass(self):
61 if os.path.isfile(DB_FILE):
65 class Test_00DB(Main):
67 def test_00_recreation(self):
70 def test_01_add_track(self):
72 trk_id = self.db.get_track(trk)
73 self.assertEqual(trk_id, self.db.get_track(trk, add=False),
74 'Same track, same record')
76 def test_02_history(self):
77 # set records in the past to ease purging then
78 last = CURRENT - datetime.timedelta(hours=1)
80 self.db.add_history(trk, date=last)
81 self.db.add_history(trk, date=last)
82 hist = self.db.fetch_history()
83 self.assertEqual(len(hist), 1, 'same track results in a single record')
85 trk_foo = Track(file="/foo/bar/baz.flac")
86 self.db.add_history(trk_foo, date=last)
87 hist = self.db.fetch_history()
88 self.assertEqual(len(hist), 2)
90 self.db.add_history(trk, date=last)
91 hist = self.db.fetch_history()
92 self.assertEqual(len(hist), 2)
93 self.db.purge_history(duration=0)
94 hist = self.db.fetch_history()
95 self.assertEqual(len(hist), 0)
97 # Controls we got history in the right order
98 # recent first, oldest last
100 for i in range(1, 5): # starts at 1 to ensure records are in the past
101 trk = Track(file=f'/foo/bar.{i}', name=f'{i}-baz',
102 album='foolbum', genre=f'{i}')
104 last = CURRENT - datetime.timedelta(minutes=i)
105 self.db.add_history(trk, date=last)
106 hist_records = self.db.fetch_history()
107 self.assertEqual(hist, hist_records)
108 self.db.purge_history(duration=0)
110 def test_history_to_tracks(self):
113 trk01 = Track(file='01', **tr)
114 self.db.add_history(trk01, CURRENT-datetime.timedelta(minutes=1))
116 tr.pop('musicbrainz_artistid')
117 trk02 = Track(file='02', **tr)
118 self.db.add_history(trk02, CURRENT-datetime.timedelta(minutes=2))
120 tr.pop('musicbrainz_albumid')
121 trk03 = Track(file='03', **tr)
122 self.db.add_history(trk03, CURRENT-datetime.timedelta(minutes=3))
124 tr.pop('musicbrainz_albumartistid')
125 trk04 = Track(file='04', **tr)
126 self.db.add_history(trk04, CURRENT-datetime.timedelta(minutes=4))
128 tr.pop('musicbrainz_trackid')
129 trk05 = Track(file='05', **tr)
130 self.db.add_history(trk05, CURRENT-datetime.timedelta(minutes=5))
131 history = self.db.fetch_history()
132 self.assertEqual(len(history), 5)
133 # Controls history ordering, recent first
134 self.assertEqual(history, [trk01, trk02, trk03, trk04, trk05])
136 def test_history_to_artists(self):
139 tr.pop('musicbrainz_artistid')
141 trk01 = Track(file='01', **tr)
142 self.db.add_history(trk01, CURRENT-datetime.timedelta(hours=1))
144 trk02 = Track(file='02', **tr)
145 self.db.add_history(trk02, CURRENT-datetime.timedelta(hours=1))
146 self.db.add_history(trk02, CURRENT-datetime.timedelta(hours=1))
148 trk03 = Track(file='03', **tr)
149 self.db.add_history(trk03, CURRENT-datetime.timedelta(hours=1))
150 # got multiple tracks, same artist/album, got artist/album history len = 1
151 art_history = self.db.fetch_artists_history()
152 alb_history = self.db.fetch_albums_history()
153 self.assertEqual(len(art_history), 1)
154 self.assertEqual(len(alb_history), 1)
155 self.assertEqual(art_history, [trk01.Artist])
157 # Now add new artist to history
158 trk04 = Track(file='04', artist='New Art')
159 trk05 = Track(file='05', artist='New² Art')
160 self.db.add_history(trk04, CURRENT-datetime.timedelta(minutes=3))
161 self.db.add_history(trk03, CURRENT-datetime.timedelta(minutes=2))
162 self.db.add_history(trk05, CURRENT-datetime.timedelta(minutes=1))
163 art_history = self.db.fetch_artists_history()
164 # Now we should have 4 artists in history
165 self.assertEqual(len(art_history), 4)
166 # Controling order, recent first
167 self.assertEqual([trk05.artist, trk03.artist,
168 trk04.artist, trk03.artist],
171 def test_04_filtering_history(self):
172 # Controls artist history filtering
173 for i in range(0, 5):
174 trk = Track(file=f'/foo/bar.{i}', name=f'{i}-baz',
175 artist=f'{i}-art', album=f'{i}-lbum')
176 last = CURRENT - datetime.timedelta(minutes=i)
177 self.db.add_history(trk, date=last)
178 if i == 5: # bounce latest record
179 self.db.add_history(trk, date=last)
180 art_history = self.db.fetch_artists_history()
181 # Already checked but to be sure, we should have 5 artists in history
182 self.assertEqual(len(art_history), 5)
183 for needle in ['4-art', Artist(name='4-art')]:
184 art_history = self.db.fetch_artists_history(needle=needle)
185 self.assertEqual(art_history, [needle])
186 needle = Artist(name='not-art')
187 art_history = self.db.fetch_artists_history(needle=needle)
188 self.assertEqual(art_history, [])
189 # Controls artists history filtering
190 # for a list of Artist objects
191 needle_list = [Artist(name='3-art'), Artist(name='4-art')]
192 art_history = self.db.fetch_artists_history(needle=needle_list)
193 self.assertEqual(art_history, needle_list)
194 # for a MetaContainer
195 needle_meta = MetaContainer(needle_list)
196 art_history = self.db.fetch_artists_history(needle=needle_meta)
197 self.assertEqual(art_history, needle_list)
198 # for a list of string (Meta object handles Artist/str comparison)
199 art_history = self.db.fetch_artists_history(['3-art', '4-art'])
200 self.assertEqual(art_history, needle_list)
202 # Controls album history filtering
203 needle = Artist(name='4-art')
204 alb_history = self.db.fetch_albums_history(needle=needle)
205 self.assertEqual(alb_history, [Album(name='4-lbum')])
207 def test_05_triggers(self):
208 self.db.purge_history(duration=0)
211 track = Track(file='/baz/bar.baz', name='baz', artist='fooart',
212 albumartist='not-same', album='not-same',)
213 self.db.get_track(track)
214 # Set 6 more records from same artist but not same album
215 for i in range(1, 6): # starts at 1 to ensure records are in the past
216 trk = Track(file=f'/foo/{i}', name=f'{i}', artist='fooart',
217 albumartist='fooalbart', album='foolbum',)
218 # Add track, save its DB id
219 tracks_ids.append(self.db.get_track(trk))
220 # set records in the past to ease purging then
221 last = CURRENT - datetime.timedelta(minutes=i)
222 self.db.add_history(trk, date=last) # Add to history
223 conn = self.db.get_database_connection()
224 # for tid in tracks_ids:
225 for tid in tracks_ids[:-1]:
226 # Delete lastest record
227 conn.execute('DELETE FROM history WHERE history.track = ?',
229 c = conn.execute('SELECT albums.name FROM albums;')
230 # There are still albums records (still a history using it)
231 self.assertIn((trk.album,), c.fetchall())
232 # purging last entry in history for album == trk.album
233 conn.execute('DELETE FROM history WHERE history.track = ?',
235 # triggers purge other tables if possible
236 conn.execute('SELECT albums.name FROM albums;')
237 albums = c.fetchall()
238 # No more "foolbum" in the table albums
239 self.assertNotIn(('foolbum',), albums)
240 # There is still "fooart" though
241 c = conn.execute('SELECT artists.name FROM artists;')
242 artists = c.fetchall()
243 # No more "foolbum" in the table albums
244 self.assertIn(('fooart',), artists)
248 class Test_01BlockList(Main):
250 def test_blocklist_addition(self):
251 trk = Track(file='/foo/bar/baz', name='title')
252 self.assertIs(self.db.get_bl_track(trk, add=False), None)
254 # Set 6 records, same album
255 for i in range(1, 6): # starts at 1 to ensure records are in the past
256 trk = Track(file=f'/foo/{i}', name=f'{i}', artist='fooart',
257 albumartist='fooalbart', album='foolbum',)
258 # Add track, save its DB id
259 tracks_ids.append(self.db.get_track(trk))
261 self.db.get_bl_track(trk)
262 self.assertIsNot(self.db.get_bl_track(trk, add=False), None)
264 self.db.get_bl_album(Album(name=trk.album))
266 self.db.get_bl_artist(trk.Artist)
268 self.assertIs(self.db.get_bl_track(trk, add=False), None)
271 def test_blocklist_triggers_00(self):
272 trk01 = Track(file='01', name='01', artist='artist A', album='album A')
273 blart01_id = self.db.get_bl_artist(trk01.Artist)
274 blalb01_id = self.db.get_bl_album(Album(name=trk01.album, mbid=trk01.musicbrainz_albumid))
275 conn = self.db.get_database_connection()
276 self.db._remove_blocklist_id(blart01_id, with_connection=conn)
277 self.db._remove_blocklist_id(blalb01_id, with_connection=conn)
278 albums = conn.execute('SELECT albums.name FROM albums;').fetchall()
279 artists = conn.execute('SELECT artists.name FROM artists;').fetchall()
281 self.assertNotIn((trk01.album,), albums)
282 self.assertNotIn((trk01.artist,), artists)
284 def test_blocklist_triggers_01(self):
285 trk01 = Track(file='01', name='01', artist='artist A', album='album A')
286 trk02 = Track(file='02', name='01', artist='artist A', album='album B')
287 trk01_id = self.db.get_bl_track(trk01)
288 trk02_id = self.db.get_bl_track(trk02)
289 self.db.add_history(trk01, IN_THE_PAST)
290 self.db._remove_blocklist_id(trk01_id)
292 # albums/artists table not affected since trk01_id still in history
293 conn = self.db.get_database_connection()
294 albums = conn.execute('SELECT albums.name FROM albums;').fetchall()
295 artists = conn.execute('SELECT artists.name FROM artists;').fetchall()
296 self.assertIn(('album A',), albums)
297 self.assertIn(('artist A',), artists)
298 self.db.purge_history(0)
299 # remove last reference to trk01
300 albums = conn.execute('SELECT albums.name FROM albums;').fetchall()
301 self.assertNotIn(('album A',), albums)
302 self.assertIn(('artist A',), artists)
304 self.db._remove_blocklist_id(trk02_id)
305 albums = conn.execute('SELECT albums.name FROM albums;').fetchall()
306 artists = conn.execute('SELECT artists.name FROM artists;').fetchall()
307 self.assertNotIn(('album B',), albums)
308 self.assertNotIn(('artist A'), artists)
312 class Test_02Genre(Main):
314 def test_genre(self):
315 conn = self.db.get_database_connection()
316 self.db.get_genre('Post-Rock', with_connection=conn)
318 for i in range(1, 15): # starts at 1 to ensure records are in the past
319 trk = Track(file=f'/foo/bar.{i}', name=f'{i}-baz',
320 album='foolbum', artist=f'{i}-art', genre=f'{i}')
321 genres.append(f'{i}')
322 last = CURRENT - datetime.timedelta(minutes=i)
323 self.db.add_history(trk, date=last)
324 genre_hist = self.db.fetch_genres_history(limit=10)
325 self.assertEqual([g[0] for g in genre_hist], genres[:10])
327 def test_null_genres(self):
328 conn = self.db.get_database_connection()
330 for i in range(1, 2): # starts at 1 to ensure records are in the past
331 trk = Track(file=f'/foo/bar.{i}', name=f'{i}-baz',
332 album='foolbum', artist=f'{i}-art')
333 last = CURRENT - datetime.timedelta(minutes=i)
334 self.db.add_history(trk, date=last)
335 genre_hist = self.db.fetch_genres_history(limit=10)
336 self.assertEqual(genre_hist, [])
339 # vim: ai ts=4 sw=4 sts=4 expandtab fileencoding=utf8