#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright (c) 2010-2015 Jack Kaliko # # This file is part of MPD_sima # # MPD_sima is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # MPD_sima is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with MPD_sima. If not, see . # # __version__ = '0.4.0' # IMPORT# import re from argparse import (ArgumentParser, SUPPRESS, Action) from difflib import get_close_matches from locale import getpreferredencoding from os import (environ, chmod, makedirs) from os.path import (join, isdir, isfile, expanduser) from sys import (exit, stdout, stderr) from sima.lib.track import Track from sima.utils import utils from sima.lib import simadb from musicpd import MPDClient, ConnectionError DESCRIPTION = """ simadb_cli helps you to edit entries in your own DB of similarity between artists.""" DB_NAME = 'sima.db' # Options list # pop out 'sw' value before creating ArgumentParser object. OPTS = list([ { 'sw':['-d', '--dbfile'], 'type': str, 'dest':'dbfile', 'action': utils.Wfile, 'help': 'File to read/write database from/to'}, { 'sw': ['-S', '--host'], 'type': str, 'dest': 'mpdhost', 'default': None, 'help': 'MPD host, as IP or FQDN (default: localhost|MPD_HOST).'}, { 'sw': ['-P', '--port'], 'type': int, 'dest': 'mpdport', 'default': None, 'help': 'Port MPD in listening on (default: 6600|MPD_PORT).'}, { 'sw': ['--password'], 'type': str, 'dest': 'passwd', 'default': None, 'help': SUPPRESS}, { 'sw': ['--view_bl'], 'action': 'store_true', 'dest': 'view_bl', 'help': 'View black list.'}, { 'sw': ['--remove_bl'], 'type': int, 'help': 'Suppress a black list entry, by row id. Use --view_bl to get row id.'}, { 'sw': ['--bl_art'], 'type': str, 'metavar': 'ARTIST_NAME', 'help': 'Black list artist.'}, { 'sw': ['--bl_curr_art'], 'action': 'store_true', 'help': 'Black list currently playing artist.'}, { 'sw': ['--bl_curr_alb'], 'action': 'store_true', 'help': 'Black list currently playing album.'}, { 'sw': ['--bl_curr_trk'], 'action': 'store_true', 'help': 'Black list currently playing track.'}, { 'sw':['--purge_hist'], 'action': 'store_true', 'dest': 'do_purge_hist', 'help': 'Purge play history.'}]) class SimaDB_CLI(object): """Command line management. """ def __init__(self): self.dbfile = self._get_default_dbfile() self.parser = None self.options = dict({}) self.localencoding = 'UTF-8' self._get_encoding() self.main() def _get_encoding(self): """Get local encoding""" localencoding = getpreferredencoding() if localencoding: self.localencoding = localencoding def _get_mpd_env_var(self): """ MPD host/port environement variables are used if command line does not provide host|port|passwd. """ host, port, passwd = utils.get_mpd_environ() if self.options.passwd is None and passwd: self.options.passwd = passwd if self.options.mpdhost is None: if host: self.options.mpdhost = host else: self.options.mpdhost = 'localhost' if self.options.mpdport is None: if port: self.options.mpdport = port else: self.options.mpdport = 6600 def _upgrade(self): """Upgrades DB if necessary, create one if not existing.""" if not isfile(self.dbfile): # No db file return db = simadb.SimaDB(db_path=self.dbfile) db.upgrade() def _declare_opts(self): """ Declare options in ArgumentParser object. """ self.parser = ArgumentParser(description=DESCRIPTION, usage='%(prog)s [-h|--help] [options]', prog='simadb_cli', epilog='Happy Listening', ) self.parser.add_argument('--version', action='version', version='%(prog)s {0}'.format(__version__)) # Add all options declare in OPTS for opt in OPTS: opt_names = opt.pop('sw') self.parser.add_argument(*opt_names, **opt) def _get_default_dbfile(self): """ Use XDG directory standard if exists else use "HOME/.local/share/mpd_sima/" http://standards.freedesktop.org/basedir-spec/basedir-spec-0.6.html """ homedir = expanduser('~') dirname = 'mpd_sima' if environ.get('XDG_DATA_HOME'): data_dir = join(environ.get('XDG_DATA_HOME'), dirname) else: data_dir = join(homedir, '.local', 'share', dirname) if not isdir(data_dir): makedirs(data_dir) chmod(data_dir, 0o700) return join(data_dir, DB_NAME) def _get_mpd_client(self): """""" # TODO: encode properly host name host = self.options.mpdhost port = self.options.mpdport cli = MPDClient() try: cli.connect(host=host, port=port) except ConnectionError as err: mess = 'ERROR: fail to connect MPD (host: %s:%s): %s' % ( host, port, err) print(mess, file=stderr) exit(1) return cli def _create_db(self): """Create database if necessary""" if isfile(self.dbfile): return print('Creating database!') open(self.dbfile, 'a').close() simadb.SimaDB(db_path=self.dbfile).create_db() def _get_art_from_db(self, art): """Return (id, name, self...) from DB or None is not in DB""" db = simadb.SimaDB(db_path=self.dbfile) art_db = db.get_artist(art, add_not=True) if not art_db: print('ERROR: "%s" not in data base!' % art, file=stderr) return None return art_db def _control_similarity(self): """ * Regex check of command line similarity * Controls artist presence in MPD library """ usage = ('USAGE: "main artist,similar artist:,other' + 'similar artist:,..."') cli_sim = self.options.similarity pattern = '^([^,]+?),([^:,]+?:\d{1,2},?)+$' regexp = re.compile(pattern, re.U).match(cli_sim) if not regexp: mess = 'ERROR: similarity badly formated: "%s"' % cli_sim print(mess, file=stderr) print(usage, file=stderr) exit(1) if self.options.check_names: if not self._control_artist_names(): mess = 'ERROR: some artist names not found in MPD library!' print(mess, file=stderr) exit(1) def _control_artist_names(self): """Controls artist names exist in MPD library""" mpd_cli = self._get_mpd_client() artists_list = mpd_cli.list('artist') sim_formated = self._parse_similarity() control = True if sim_formated[0] not in artists_list: mess = 'WARNING: Main artist not found in MPD: %s' % sim_formated[0] print(mess) control = False for sart in sim_formated[1]: art = sart.get('artist') if art not in artists_list: mess = str('WARNING: Similar artist not found in MPD: %s' % art) print(mess) control = False mpd_cli.disconnect() return control def bl_artist(self): """Black list artist""" mpd_cli = self._get_mpd_client() if not mpd_cli: return False artists_list = mpd_cli.list('artist') # Unicode cli given artist name cli_artist_to_bl = self.options.bl_art if cli_artist_to_bl not in artists_list: print('Artist not found in MPD library.') match = get_close_matches(cli_artist_to_bl, artists_list, 50, 0.78) if match: print('You may be refering to %s' % '/'.join([m_a for m_a in match])) return False print('Black listing artist: %s' % cli_artist_to_bl) db = simadb.SimaDB(db_path=self.dbfile) db.get_bl_artist(cli_artist_to_bl) def bl_current_artist(self): """Black list current artist""" mpd_cli = self._get_mpd_client() if not mpd_cli: return False artist = mpd_cli.currentsong().get('artist', '') if not artist: print('No artist found.') return False print('Black listing artist: %s' % artist) db = simadb.SimaDB(db_path=self.dbfile) db.get_bl_artist(artist) def bl_current_album(self): """Black list current artist""" mpd_cli = self._get_mpd_client() if not mpd_cli: return False track = Track(**mpd_cli.currentsong()) if not track.album: print('No album set for this track: %s' % track) return False print('Black listing album: {0}'.format(track.album)) db = simadb.SimaDB(db_path=self.dbfile) db.get_bl_album(track) def bl_current_track(self): """Black list current artist""" mpd_cli = self._get_mpd_client() if not mpd_cli: return False track = Track(**mpd_cli.currentsong()) print('Black listing track: %s' % track) db = simadb.SimaDB(db_path=self.dbfile) db.get_bl_track(track) def purge_history(self): """Purge all entries in history""" db = simadb.SimaDB(db_path=self.dbfile) print('Purging history...') db.purge_history(duration=int(0)) print('done.') print('Cleaning database...') db.clean_database() print('done.') def view_bl(self): """Print out black list.""" # TODO: enhance output formating db = simadb.SimaDB(db_path=self.dbfile) for bl_e in db.get_black_list(): print('\t# '.join([str(e) for e in bl_e])) def remove_black_list_entry(self): """""" db = simadb.SimaDB(db_path=self.dbfile) db._remove_bl(int(self.options.remove_bl)) def main(self): """ Parse command line and run actions. """ self._declare_opts() self.options = self.parser.parse_args() self._get_mpd_env_var() if self.options.dbfile: self.dbfile = self.options.dbfile print('Using db file: %s' % self.dbfile) if self.options.bl_art: self.bl_artist() return if self.options.bl_curr_art: self.bl_current_artist() return if self.options.bl_curr_alb: self.bl_current_album() return if self.options.bl_curr_trk: self.bl_current_track() return if self.options.view_bl: self.view_bl() return if self.options.remove_bl: self.remove_black_list_entry() return if self.options.do_purge_hist: self.purge_history() exit(0) def main(): SimaDB_CLI() # Script starts here if __name__ == '__main__': main() # VIM MODLINE # vim: ai ts=4 sw=4 sts=4 expandtab