# Check against the actual string in artist list
if artist.orig in self.artists:
self.log.debug('found exact match for "%s"' % artist)
- return [artist]
+ return [artist.orig]
# Then proceed with fuzzy matching if got nothing
match = get_close_matches(artist.orig, self.artists, 50, 0.73)
if not match:
def get_artist(self):
"""Get artist object from track"""
- return Artist(name=self.albumartist or self.artist,
- mbid=self.musicbrainz_artistid)
+ name = self.artist
+ if self.albumartist and self.albumartist != 'Various Artists':
+ name = self.albumartist
+ return Artist(name=name, mbid=self.musicbrainz_artistid)
# vim: ai ts=4 sw=4 sts=4 expandtab
# TODO: move to utils as a decorator
duration = self.daemon_conf.getint('sima', 'history_duration')
art_in_hist = list()
- for trk in self.sdb.get_history(duration=duration,
- artists=alist):
+ for trk in self.sdb.get_history(duration=duration, artists=alist):
if trk[0] not in art_in_hist:
# initialize artists deque list to construct from DB
as_art = deque()
as_artists = self.ws().get_similar(artist=artist)
- self.log.debug('Requesting {1} for "{0}"'.format(artist,
- self.ws.name))
+ self.log.debug('Requesting {} for {!r}'.format(self.ws.name,artist))
# TODO: let's propagate Artist type
[as_art.append(str(art)) for art in as_artists]
if ret & queued_artists:
self.log.debug('Removing already queued artist: {0}'.format(ret & queued_artists))
ret = list(ret - queued_artists)
+ if self.player.current.artist in ret:
+ self.log.debug('Removing current artist: {0}'.format(self.player.current.artist))
+ ret = list(ret - {self.player.current.artist})
# Move around similars items to get in unplayed|not recently played
# artist first.
return self._get_artists_list_reorg(ret)