--- /dev/null
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+Fetching similar artists from echonest web services
+# standard library import
+import random
+from collections import deque
+from hashlib import md5
+# third parties components
+# local import
+from ...lib.plugin import Plugin
+from ...lib.simaecho import SimaEch, EchoError, EchoNotFound
+from ...lib.track import Track
+from ...lib.meta import Artist
+def cache(func):
+ """Caching decorator"""
+ def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
+ #pylint: disable=W0212,C0111
+ cls = args[0]
+ similarities = [art for art in args[1]]
+ hashedlst = md5(''.join(similarities).encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()
+ if hashedlst in cls._cache.get('asearch'):
+ cls.log.debug('cached request')
+ results = cls._cache.get('asearch').get(hashedlst)
+ else:
+ results = func(*args, **kwargs)
+ cls.log.debug('caching request')
+ cls._cache.get('asearch').update({hashedlst:list(results)})
+ random.shuffle(results)
+ return results
+ return wrapper
+class EchoNest(Plugin):
+ """Echonest autoqueue plugin http://the.echonest.com/
+ """
+ def __init__(self, daemon):
+ Plugin.__init__(self, daemon)
+ self.daemon_conf = daemon.config
+ self.sdb = daemon.sdb
+ self.history = daemon.short_history
+ ##
+ self.to_add = list()
+ self._cache = None
+ self._flush_cache()
+ wrapper = {
+ 'track': self._track,
+ 'top': self._top,
+ 'album': self._album,
+ }
+ self.queue_mode = wrapper.get(self.plugin_conf.get('queue_mode'))
+ def _flush_cache(self):
+ """
+ Both flushes and instanciates _cache
+ """
+ name = self.__class__.__name__
+ if isinstance(self._cache, dict):
+ self.log.info('{0}: Flushing cache!'.format(name))
+ else:
+ self.log.info('{0}: Initialising cache!'.format(name))
+ self._cache = {
+ 'asearch': dict(),
+ 'tsearch': dict(),
+ }
+ def _cleanup_cache(self):
+ """Avoid bloated cache
+ """
+ for _ , val in self._cache.items():
+ if isinstance(val, dict):
+ while len(val) > 150:
+ val.popitem()
+ def get_history(self, artist):
+ """Constructs list of Track for already played titles for an artist.
+ """
+ duration = self.daemon_conf.getint('sima', 'history_duration')
+ tracks_from_db = self.sdb.get_history(duration=duration, artist=artist)
+ # Construct Track() objects list from database history
+ played_tracks = [Track(artist=tr[-1], album=tr[1], title=tr[2],
+ file=tr[3]) for tr in tracks_from_db]
+ return played_tracks
+ def filter_track(self, tracks):
+ """
+ Extract one unplayed track from a Track object list.
+ * not in history
+ * not already in the queue
+ * not blacklisted
+ """
+ artist = tracks[0].artist
+ black_list = self.player.queue + self.to_add
+ not_in_hist = list(set(tracks) - set(self.get_history(artist=artist)))
+ if not not_in_hist:
+ self.log.debug('All tracks already played for "{}"'.format(artist))
+ random.shuffle(not_in_hist)
+ #candidate = [ trk for trk in not_in_hist if trk not in black_list
+ #if not self.sdb.get_bl_track(trk, add_not=True)]
+ candidate = []
+ for trk in [_ for _ in not_in_hist if _ not in black_list]:
+ if self.sdb.get_bl_track(trk, add_not=True):
+ self.log.info('Blacklisted: {0}: '.format(trk))
+ continue
+ if self.sdb.get_bl_album(trk, add_not=True):
+ self.log.info('Blacklisted album: {0}: '.format(trk))
+ continue
+ # Should use albumartist heuristic as well
+ if self.plugin_conf.getboolean('single_album'):
+ if (trk.album == self.player.current.album or
+ trk.album in [tr.album for tr in self.to_add]):
+ self.log.debug('Found unplayed track ' +
+ 'but from an album already queued: %s' % (trk))
+ continue
+ candidate.append(trk)
+ if not candidate:
+ self.log.debug('Unable to find title to add' +
+ ' for "%s".' % artist)
+ return None
+ self.to_add.append(random.choice(candidate))
+ def _get_artists_list_reorg(self, alist):
+ """
+ Move around items in artists_list in order to play first not recently
+ played artists
+ """
+ # TODO: move to utils as a decorator
+ duration = self.daemon_conf.getint('sima', 'history_duration')
+ art_in_hist = list()
+ for trk in self.sdb.get_history(duration=duration,
+ artists=alist):
+ if trk[0] not in art_in_hist:
+ art_in_hist.append(trk[0])
+ art_in_hist.reverse()
+ art_not_in_hist = [ ar for ar in alist if ar not in art_in_hist ]
+ random.shuffle(art_not_in_hist)
+ art_not_in_hist.extend(art_in_hist)
+ self.log.debug('history ordered: {}'.format(
+ ' / '.join(art_not_in_hist)))
+ return art_not_in_hist
+ @cache
+ def get_artists_from_player(self, similarities):
+ """
+ Look in player library for availability of similar artists in
+ similarities
+ """
+ results = list()
+ while len(similarities) > 0:
+ art_pop = similarities.pop()
+ results.extend(self.player.fuzzy_find_artist(art_pop))
+ return results
+ def lfm_similar_artists(self, artist=None):
+ """
+ Retrieve similar artists on echonest server.
+ """
+ if artist is None:
+ curr = self.player.current.__dict__
+ name = curr.get('artist')
+ mbid = curr.get('musicbrainz_artistid', None)
+ current = Artist(name=name, mbid=mbid)
+ else:
+ current = artist
+ simaech = SimaEch()
+ # initialize artists deque list to construct from DB
+ as_art = deque()
+ as_artists = simaech.get_similar(artist=current)
+ self.log.debug('Requesting EchoNest for "{0}"'.format(current))
+ try:
+ [as_art.append(str(a)) for a in as_artists]
+ except EchoNotFound as err:
+ self.log.warning(err)
+ except EchoError as err:
+ self.log.warning('EchoNest: {0}'.format(err))
+ if as_art:
+ self.log.debug('Fetched {0} artist(s) from echonest'.format(
+ len(as_art)))
+ self.log.debug('x-ratelimit-remaining: {}'.format(SimaEch.ratelimit))
+ return as_art
+ def get_recursive_similar_artist(self):
+ ret_extra = list()
+ history = deque(self.history)
+ history.popleft()
+ depth = 0
+ current = self.player.current
+ extra_arts = list()
+ while depth < self.plugin_conf.getint('depth'):
+ if len(history) == 0:
+ break
+ trk = history.popleft()
+ if (trk.artist in [trk.artist for trk in extra_arts]
+ or trk.artist == current.artist):
+ continue
+ extra_arts.append(trk)
+ depth += 1
+ self.log.info('EXTRA ARTS: {}'.format(
+ '/'.join([trk.artist for trk in extra_arts])))
+ for artist in extra_arts:
+ self.log.debug('Looking for artist similar to "{0.artist}" as well'.format(artist))
+ similar = self.lfm_similar_artists(artist=artist)
+ if not similar:
+ return ret_extra
+ ret_extra.extend(self.get_artists_from_player(similar))
+ if current.artist in ret_extra:
+ ret_extra.remove(current.artist)
+ return ret_extra
+ def get_local_similar_artists(self):
+ """Check against local player for similar artists fetched from last.fm
+ """
+ current = self.player.current
+ self.log.info('Looking for artist similar to "{0.artist}"'.format(current))
+ similar = list(self.lfm_similar_artists())
+ if not similar:
+ self.log.info('Got nothing from last.fm!')
+ return []
+ self.log.info('First five similar artist(s): {}...'.format(
+ ' / '.join([a for a in similar[0:5]])))
+ self.log.info('Looking availability in music library')
+ ret = self.get_artists_from_player(similar)
+ ret_extra = None
+ if len(self.history) >= 2:
+ if self.plugin_conf.getint('depth') > 1:
+ ret_extra = self.get_recursive_similar_artist()
+ if ret_extra:
+ ret = list(set(ret) | set(ret_extra))
+ if not ret:
+ self.log.warning('Got nothing from music library.')
+ self.log.warning('Try running in debug mode to guess why...')
+ return []
+ self.log.info('Got {} artists in library'.format(len(ret)))
+ self.log.info(' / '.join(ret))
+ # Move around similars items to get in unplayed|not recently played
+ # artist first.
+ return self._get_artists_list_reorg(ret)
+ def _get_album_history(self, artist=None):
+ """Retrieve album history"""
+ duration = self.daemon_conf.getint('sima', 'history_duration')
+ albums_list = set()
+ for trk in self.sdb.get_history(artist=artist, duration=duration):
+ albums_list.add(trk[1])
+ return albums_list
+ def find_album(self, artists):
+ """Find albums to queue.
+ """
+ self.to_add = list()
+ nb_album_add = 0
+ target_album_to_add = self.plugin_conf.getint('album_to_add')
+ for artist in artists:
+ self.log.info('Looking for an album to add for "%s"...' % artist)
+ albums = self.player.find_albums(artist)
+ # str conversion while Album type is not propagated
+ albums = [ str(album) for album in albums]
+ if albums:
+ self.log.debug('Albums candidate: {0:s}'.format(' / '.join(albums)))
+ else: continue
+ # albums yet in history for this artist
+ albums = set(albums)
+ albums_yet_in_hist = albums & self._get_album_history(artist=artist)
+ albums_not_in_hist = list(albums - albums_yet_in_hist)
+ # Get to next artist if there are no unplayed albums
+ if not albums_not_in_hist:
+ self.log.info('No album found for "%s"' % artist)
+ continue
+ album_to_queue = str()
+ random.shuffle(albums_not_in_hist)
+ for album in albums_not_in_hist:
+ tracks = self.player.find_album(artist, album)
+ # Look if one track of the album is already queued
+ # Good heuristic, at least enough to guess if the whole album is
+ # already queued.
+ if tracks[0] in self.player.queue:
+ self.log.debug('"%s" already queued, skipping!' %
+ tracks[0].album)
+ continue
+ album_to_queue = album
+ if not album_to_queue:
+ self.log.info('No album found for "%s"' % artist)
+ continue
+ self.log.info('last.fm album candidate: {0} - {1}'.format(
+ artist, album_to_queue))
+ nb_album_add += 1
+ self.to_add.extend(self.player.find_album(artist, album_to_queue))
+ if nb_album_add == target_album_to_add:
+ return True
+ def _track(self):
+ """Get some tracks for track queue mode
+ """
+ artists = self.get_local_similar_artists()
+ nbtracks_target = self.plugin_conf.getint('track_to_add')
+ for artist in artists:
+ self.log.debug('Trying to find titles to add for "{}"'.format(
+ artist))
+ found = self.player.find_track(artist)
+ # find tracks not in history for artist
+ self.filter_track(found)
+ if len(self.to_add) == nbtracks_target:
+ break
+ if not self.to_add:
+ self.log.debug('Found no tracks to queue, is your ' +
+ 'history getting too large?')
+ return None
+ for track in self.to_add:
+ self.log.info('last.fm candidate: {0!s}'.format(track))
+ def _album(self):
+ """Get albums for album queue mode
+ """
+ artists = self.get_local_similar_artists()
+ self.find_album(artists)
+ def _top(self):
+ """Get some tracks for top track queue mode
+ """
+ #artists = self.get_local_similar_artists()
+ pass
+ def callback_need_track(self):
+ self._cleanup_cache()
+ if not self.player.current:
+ self.log.info('Not currently playing track, cannot queue')
+ return None
+ self.queue_mode()
+ candidates = self.to_add
+ self.to_add = list()
+ if self.plugin_conf.get('queue_mode') != 'album':
+ random.shuffle(candidates)
+ return candidates
+ def callback_player_database(self):
+ self._flush_cache()
+# vim: ai ts=4 sw=4 sts=4 expandtab