--- /dev/null
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright (c) 2009-2013 Jack Kaliko <jack@azylum.org>
+# Copyright (c) 2009, Eric Casteleijn <thisfred@gmail.com>
+# Copyright (c) 2008 Rick van Hattem
+# This file is part of sima
+# sima is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# sima is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with sima. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+# DOC:
+# MuscicBrainz ID: <http://musicbrainz.org/doc/MusicBrainzIdentifier>
+# Artists: <http://musicbrainz.org/doc/Artist_Name>
+# <http://musicbrainz.org/doc/Same_Artist_With_Different_Names>
+__DB_VERSION__ = 2
+__HIST_DURATION__ = int(7 * 24) # in hours
+import sqlite3
+from datetime import (datetime, timedelta)
+from os.path import dirname, isdir
+from os import (access, W_OK, F_OK)
+from shutil import copyfile
+class SimaDBError(Exception):
+ """
+ Exceptions.
+ """
+ pass
+class SimaDBAccessError(SimaDBError):
+ """Error on accessing DB file"""
+ pass
+class SimaDBNoFile(SimaDBError):
+ """No DB file present"""
+ pass
+class SimaDBUpgradeError(SimaDBError):
+ """Error on upgrade"""
+ pass
+class SimaDB(object):
+ "SQLite management"
+ def __init__(self, db_path=None):
+ self._db_path = db_path
+ self.db_path_mod_control()
+ def db_path_mod_control(self):
+ db_path = self._db_path
+ # Controls directory access
+ if not isdir(dirname(db_path)):
+ raise SimaDBAccessError('Not a regular directory: "%s"' %
+ dirname(db_path))
+ if not access(dirname(db_path), W_OK):
+ raise SimaDBAccessError('No write access to "%s"' % dirname(db_path))
+ # Is a file but no write access
+ if access(db_path, F_OK) and not access(db_path, W_OK | F_OK):
+ raise SimaDBAccessError('No write access to "%s"' % db_path)
+ # No file
+ if not access(db_path, F_OK):
+ raise SimaDBNoFile('No DB file in "%s"' % db_path)
+ def close_database_connection(self, connection):
+ """Close the database connection."""
+ connection.close()
+ def get_database_connection(self):
+ """get database reference"""
+ connection = sqlite3.connect(
+ self._db_path, timeout=5.0, isolation_level="immediate")
+ #connection.text_factory = str
+ return connection
+ def upgrade(self):
+ """upgrade DB from previous versions"""
+ connection = self.get_database_connection()
+ try:
+ connection.execute('SELECT version FROM db_info')
+ except Exception as err:
+ if err.__str__() == "no such table: db_info":
+ # db version < 2 (MPD_sima 0.6)
+ copyfile(self._db_path, self._db_path + '.0.6')
+ connection.execute('DROP TABLE tracks')
+ connection.commit()
+ self.create_db()
+ else:
+ raise SimaDBUpgradeError('Could not upgrade database: "%s"' %
+ err)
+ self.close_database_connection(connection)
+ def get_artist(self, artist_name, mbid=None,
+ with_connection=None, add_not=False):
+ """get artist information from the database.
+ if not in database insert new entry."""
+ if with_connection:
+ connection = with_connection
+ else:
+ connection = self.get_database_connection()
+ rows = connection.execute(
+ "SELECT * FROM artists WHERE name = ?", (artist_name,))
+ for row in rows:
+ if not with_connection:
+ self.close_database_connection(connection)
+ return row
+ if add_not:
+ if not with_connection:
+ self.close_database_connection(connection)
+ return False
+ connection.execute(
+ "INSERT INTO artists (name, mbid) VALUES (?, ?)",
+ (artist_name, mbid))
+ connection.commit()
+ rows = connection.execute(
+ "SELECT * FROM artists WHERE name = ?", (artist_name,))
+ for row in rows:
+ if not with_connection:
+ self.close_database_connection(connection)
+ return row
+ if not with_connection:
+ self.close_database_connection(connection)
+ def get_track(self, track, with_connection=None, add_not=False):
+ """
+ Get a track from Tracks table, add if not existing,
+ Attention: use Track() object!!
+ if not in database insert new entry."""
+ art = track.artist
+ nam = track.title
+ fil = track.get_filename()
+ if with_connection:
+ connection = with_connection
+ else:
+ connection = self.get_database_connection()
+ art_id = self.get_artist(art, with_connection=connection)[0]
+ alb_id = self.get_album(track, with_connection=connection)[0]
+ rows = connection.execute(
+ "SELECT * FROM tracks WHERE name = ? AND"
+ " artist = ? AND file = ?", (nam, art_id, fil))
+ for row in rows:
+ if not with_connection:
+ self.close_database_connection(connection)
+ return row
+ if add_not:
+ return False
+ connection.execute(
+ "INSERT INTO tracks (artist, album, name, file) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)",
+ (art_id, alb_id, nam, fil))
+ connection.commit()
+ rows = connection.execute(
+ "SELECT * FROM tracks WHERE name = ? AND"
+ " artist = ? AND album = ? AND file = ?",
+ (nam, art_id, alb_id, fil,))
+ for row in rows:
+ if not with_connection:
+ self.close_database_connection(connection)
+ return row
+ if not with_connection:
+ connection.commit()
+ self.close_database_connection(connection)
+ def get_album(self, track, mbid=None,
+ with_connection=None, add_not=False):
+ """
+ get album information from the database.
+ if not in database insert new entry.
+ Attention: use Track() object!!
+ Use AlbumArtist tag is provided, fallback to Album tag
+ """
+ if with_connection:
+ connection = with_connection
+ else:
+ connection = self.get_database_connection()
+ if track.albumartist:
+ artist = track.albumartist
+ else:
+ artist = track.artist
+ art_id = self.get_artist(artist, with_connection=connection)[0]
+ album = track.album
+ rows = connection.execute(
+ "SELECT * FROM albums WHERE name = ? AND artist = ?",
+ (album, art_id))
+ for row in rows:
+ if not with_connection:
+ self.close_database_connection(connection)
+ return row
+ if add_not:
+ return False
+ connection.execute(
+ "INSERT INTO albums (name, artist, mbid) VALUES (?, ?, ?)",
+ (album, art_id, mbid))
+ connection.commit()
+ rows = connection.execute(
+ "SELECT * FROM albums WHERE name = ? AND artist = ?",
+ (album, art_id))
+ for row in rows:
+ if not with_connection:
+ self.close_database_connection(connection)
+ return row
+ if not with_connection:
+ self.close_database_connection(connection)
+ def get_artists(self, with_connection=None):
+ """Returns all artists in DB"""
+ if with_connection:
+ connection = with_connection
+ else:
+ connection = self.get_database_connection()
+ rows = connection.execute("SELECT name FROM artists ORDER BY name")
+ results = [row for row in rows]
+ if not with_connection:
+ self.close_database_connection(connection)
+ for artist in results:
+ yield artist
+ def get_bl_artist(self, artist_name,
+ with_connection=None, add_not=None):
+ """get blacklisted artist information from the database."""
+ if with_connection:
+ connection = with_connection
+ else:
+ connection = self.get_database_connection()
+ art = self.get_artist(artist_name,
+ with_connection=connection, add_not=add_not)
+ if not art:
+ return False
+ art_id = art[0]
+ rows = connection.execute("SELECT * FROM black_list WHERE artist = ?",
+ (art_id,))
+ for row in rows:
+ if not with_connection:
+ self.close_database_connection(connection)
+ return row
+ if add_not:
+ if not with_connection:
+ self.close_database_connection(connection)
+ return False
+ connection.execute("INSERT INTO black_list (artist) VALUES (?)",
+ (art_id,))
+ connection.execute("UPDATE black_list SET updated = DATETIME('now')"
+ " WHERE artist = ?", (art_id,))
+ connection.commit()
+ rows = connection.execute("SELECT * FROM black_list WHERE artist = ?",
+ (art_id,))
+ for row in rows:
+ if not with_connection:
+ self.close_database_connection(connection)
+ return row
+ if not with_connection:
+ self.close_database_connection(connection)
+ return False
+ def get_bl_album(self, track,
+ with_connection=None, add_not=None):
+ """get blacklisted track information from the database."""
+ if with_connection:
+ connection = with_connection
+ else:
+ connection = self.get_database_connection()
+ album = self.get_album(track,
+ with_connection=connection, add_not=add_not)
+ if not album:
+ return False
+ alb_id = album[0]
+ rows = connection.execute("SELECT * FROM black_list WHERE album = ?",
+ (alb_id,))
+ for row in rows:
+ if not with_connection:
+ self.close_database_connection(connection)
+ return row
+ if add_not:
+ if not with_connection:
+ self.close_database_connection(connection)
+ return False
+ connection.execute("INSERT INTO black_list (album) VALUES (?)",
+ (alb_id,))
+ connection.execute("UPDATE black_list SET updated = DATETIME('now')"
+ " WHERE album = ?", (alb_id,))
+ connection.commit()
+ rows = connection.execute("SELECT * FROM black_list WHERE album = ?",
+ (alb_id,))
+ for row in rows:
+ if not with_connection:
+ self.close_database_connection(connection)
+ return row
+ if not with_connection:
+ self.close_database_connection(connection)
+ return False
+ def get_bl_track(self, track, with_connection=None, add_not=None):
+ """get blacklisted track information from the database."""
+ if with_connection:
+ connection = with_connection
+ else:
+ connection = self.get_database_connection()
+ track = self.get_track(track,
+ with_connection=connection, add_not=add_not)
+ if not track:
+ return False
+ track_id = track[0]
+ rows = connection.execute("SELECT * FROM black_list WHERE track = ?",
+ (track_id,))
+ for row in rows:
+ if not with_connection:
+ self.close_database_connection(connection)
+ return row
+ if add_not:
+ if not with_connection:
+ self.close_database_connection(connection)
+ return False
+ connection.execute("INSERT INTO black_list (track) VALUES (?)",
+ (track_id,))
+ connection.execute("UPDATE black_list SET updated = DATETIME('now')"
+ " WHERE track = ?", (track_id,))
+ connection.commit()
+ rows = connection.execute("SELECT * FROM black_list WHERE track = ?",
+ (track_id,))
+ for row in rows:
+ if not with_connection:
+ self.close_database_connection(connection)
+ return row
+ if not with_connection:
+ self.close_database_connection(connection)
+ return False
+ def get_history(self, artist=None, artists=None, duration=__HIST_DURATION__):
+ """Retrieve complete play history, most recent tracks first
+ artist : filter history for specific artist
+ artists : filter history for specific artists list
+ """
+ date = datetime.utcnow() - timedelta(hours=duration)
+ connection = self.get_database_connection()
+ if artist:
+ rows = connection.execute(
+ "SELECT arts.name, albs.name, trs.name, trs.file, hist.last_play"
+ " FROM artists AS arts, tracks AS trs, history AS hist, albums AS albs"
+ " WHERE trs.id = hist.track AND trs.artist = arts.id AND trs.album = albs.id"
+ " AND hist.last_play > ? AND arts.name = ?"
+ " ORDER BY hist.last_play DESC", (date.isoformat(' '), artist,))
+ else:
+ rows = connection.execute(
+ "SELECT arts.name, albs.name, trs.name, trs.file"
+ " FROM artists AS arts, tracks AS trs, history AS hist, albums AS albs"
+ " WHERE trs.id = hist.track AND trs.artist = arts.id AND trs.album = albs.id"
+ " AND hist.last_play > ? ORDER BY hist.last_play DESC", (date.isoformat(' '),))
+ for row in rows:
+ if artists and row[0] not in artists:
+ continue
+ yield row
+ self.close_database_connection(connection)
+ def get_black_list(self):
+ """Retrieve complete black list."""
+ connection = self.get_database_connection()
+ rows = connection.execute('SELECT black_list.rowid, artists.name'
+ ' FROM artists INNER JOIN black_list'
+ ' ON artists.id = black_list.artist')
+ yield ('Row ID', 'Actual black listed element', 'Extra information',)
+ yield ('',)
+ yield ('Row ID', 'Artist',)
+ for row in rows:
+ yield row
+ rows = connection.execute('SELECT black_list.rowid, albums.name, artists.name'
+ ' FROM artists, albums INNER JOIN black_list'
+ ' ON albums.id = black_list.album'
+ ' WHERE artists.id = albums.artist')
+ yield ('',)
+ yield ('Row ID', 'Album', 'Artist name')
+ for row in rows:
+ yield row
+ rows = connection.execute('SELECT black_list.rowid, tracks.name, artists.name'
+ ' FROM artists, tracks INNER JOIN black_list'
+ ' ON tracks.id = black_list.track'
+ ' WHERE tracks.artist = artists.id')
+ yield ('',)
+ yield ('Row ID', 'Title', 'Artist name')
+ for row in rows:
+ yield row
+ self.close_database_connection(connection)
+ def _set_mbid(self, artist_id=None, mbid=None, with_connection=None):
+ """get artist information from the database.
+ if not in database insert new entry."""
+ if with_connection:
+ connection = with_connection
+ else:
+ connection = self.get_database_connection()
+ connection.execute("UPDATE artists SET mbid = ? WHERE id = ?",
+ (mbid, artist_id))
+ connection.commit()
+ if not with_connection:
+ self.close_database_connection(connection)
+ def _get_similar_artists_from_db(self, artist_id):
+ connection = self.get_database_connection()
+ results = [row for row in connection.execute(
+ "SELECT match, name FROM usr_artist_2_artist INNER JOIN"
+ " artists ON usr_artist_2_artist.artist2 = artists.id WHERE"
+ " usr_artist_2_artist.artist1 = ? ORDER BY match DESC;",
+ (artist_id,))]
+ self.close_database_connection(connection)
+ for score, artist in results:
+ yield {'score': score, 'artist': artist}
+ def _get_reverse_similar_artists_from_db(self, artist_id):
+ connection = self.get_database_connection()
+ results = [row for row in connection.execute(
+ "SELECT name FROM usr_artist_2_artist INNER JOIN"
+ " artists ON usr_artist_2_artist.artist1 = artists.id WHERE"
+ " usr_artist_2_artist.artist2 = ?;",
+ (artist_id,))]
+ self.close_database_connection(connection)
+ for artist in results:
+ yield artist[0]
+ def get_similar_artists(self, artist_name):
+ """get similar artists from the database sorted by descending
+ match score"""
+ artist_id = self.get_artist(artist_name)[0]
+ for result in self._get_similar_artists_from_db(artist_id):
+ yield result
+ def _get_artist_match(self, artist1, artist2, with_connection=None):
+ """get artist match score from database"""
+ if with_connection:
+ connection = with_connection
+ else:
+ connection = self.get_database_connection()
+ rows = connection.execute(
+ "SELECT match FROM usr_artist_2_artist WHERE artist1 = ?"
+ " AND artist2 = ?",
+ (artist1, artist2))
+ result = 0
+ for row in rows:
+ result = row[0]
+ break
+ if not with_connection:
+ self.close_database_connection(connection)
+ return result
+ def _remove_relation_between_2_artist(self, artist1, artist2):
+ """Remove a similarity relation"""
+ connection = self.get_database_connection()
+ connection.execute(
+ 'DELETE FROM usr_artist_2_artist'
+ ' WHERE artist1 = ? AND artist2 = ?;',
+ (artist1, artist2))
+ self.clean_database(with_connection=connection)
+ self._update_artist(artist_id=artist1, with_connection=connection)
+ connection.commit()
+ self.close_database_connection(connection)
+ def _remove_artist(self, artist_id, deep=False, with_connection=None):
+ """Remove all artist1 reference"""
+ if with_connection:
+ connection = with_connection
+ else:
+ connection = self.get_database_connection()
+ if deep:
+ connection.execute(
+ 'DELETE FROM usr_artist_2_artist'
+ ' WHERE artist1 = ? OR artist2 = ?;',
+ (artist_id, artist_id))
+ connection.execute(
+ 'DELETE FROM artists WHERE id = ?;',
+ (artist_id,))
+ else:
+ connection.execute(
+ 'DELETE FROM usr_artist_2_artist WHERE artist1 = ?;',
+ (artist_id,))
+ self.clean_database(with_connection=connection)
+ self._update_artist(artist_id=artist_id, with_connection=connection)
+ if not with_connection:
+ connection.commit()
+ self.close_database_connection(connection)
+ def _remove_bl(self, rowid):
+ """Remove bl row id"""
+ connection = self.get_database_connection()
+ connection.execute('DELETE FROM black_list'
+ ' WHERE black_list.rowid = ?', (rowid,))
+ connection.commit()
+ self.close_database_connection(connection)
+ def _insert_artist_match(
+ self, artist1, artist2, match, with_connection=None):
+ """write match score to the database.
+ Does not update time stamp in table artist/*_updated"""
+ if with_connection:
+ connection = with_connection
+ else:
+ connection = self.get_database_connection()
+ connection.execute(
+ "INSERT INTO usr_artist_2_artist (artist1, artist2, match) VALUES"
+ " (?, ?, ?)",
+ (artist1, artist2, match))
+ if not with_connection:
+ connection.commit()
+ self.close_database_connection(connection)
+ def add_history(self, track):
+ """Add to history"""
+ connection = self.get_database_connection()
+ track_id = self.get_track(track, with_connection=connection)[0]
+ rows = connection.execute("SELECT * FROM history WHERE track = ? ", (track_id,))
+ if not rows.fetchone():
+ connection.execute("INSERT INTO history (track) VALUES (?)", (track_id,))
+ connection.execute("UPDATE history SET last_play = DATETIME('now') "
+ " WHERE track = ?", (track_id,))
+ connection.commit()
+ self.close_database_connection(connection)
+ def _update_artist(self, artist_id, with_connection=None):
+ """write artist information to the database"""
+ if with_connection:
+ connection = with_connection
+ else:
+ connection = self.get_database_connection()
+ connection.execute(
+ "UPDATE artists SET usr_updated = DATETIME('now') WHERE id = ?",
+ (artist_id,))
+ if not with_connection:
+ connection.commit()
+ self.close_database_connection(connection)
+ def _update_artist_match(
+ self, artist1, artist2, match, with_connection=None):
+ """write match score to the database"""
+ if with_connection:
+ connection = with_connection
+ else:
+ connection = self.get_database_connection()
+ connection.execute(
+ "UPDATE usr_artist_2_artist SET match = ? WHERE artist1 = ? AND"
+ " artist2 = ?",
+ (match, artist1, artist2))
+ if not with_connection:
+ connection.commit()
+ self.close_database_connection(connection)
+ def _update_similar_artists(self, artist, similar_artists):
+ """write user similar artist information to the database
+ """
+ # DOC: similar_artists = list([{'score': match, 'artist': name}])
+ #
+ connection = self.get_database_connection()
+ artist_id = self.get_artist(artist, with_connection=connection)[0]
+ for artist in similar_artists:
+ id2 = self.get_artist(
+ artist['artist'], with_connection=connection)[0]
+ if self._get_artist_match(
+ artist_id, id2, with_connection=connection):
+ self._update_artist_match(
+ artist_id, id2, artist['score'],
+ with_connection=connection)
+ continue
+ self._insert_artist_match(
+ artist_id, id2, artist['score'],
+ with_connection=connection)
+ self._update_artist(artist_id, with_connection=connection)
+ connection.commit()
+ self.close_database_connection(connection)
+ def _clean_artists_table(self, with_connection=None):
+ """Clean orphan artists"""
+ if with_connection:
+ connection = with_connection
+ else:
+ connection = self.get_database_connection()
+ artists_ids = set([row[0] for row in connection.execute(
+ "SELECT id FROM artists")])
+ artist_2_artist_ids = set([row[0] for row in connection.execute(
+ "SELECT artist1 FROM usr_artist_2_artist")] +
+ [row[0] for row in connection.execute(
+ "SELECT artist2 FROM usr_artist_2_artist")] +
+ [row[0] for row in connection.execute(
+ "SELECT artist FROM black_list")] +
+ [row[0] for row in connection.execute(
+ "SELECT artist FROM albums")] +
+ [row[0] for row in connection.execute(
+ "SELECT artist FROM tracks")])
+ orphans = [ (orphan,) for orphan in artists_ids - artist_2_artist_ids ]
+ connection.executemany('DELETE FROM artists WHERE id = (?);', orphans)
+ if not with_connection:
+ connection.commit()
+ self.close_database_connection(connection)
+ def _clean_albums_table(self, with_connection=None):
+ """Clean orphan albums"""
+ if with_connection:
+ connection = with_connection
+ else:
+ connection = self.get_database_connection()
+ orphan_black_ids = set([row[0] for row in connection.execute(
+ """SELECT albums.id FROM albums
+ LEFT JOIN black_list ON albums.id = black_list.album
+ WHERE ( black_list.album IS NULL )""")])
+ orphan_tracks_ids = set([row[0] for row in connection.execute(
+ """SELECT albums.id FROM albums
+ LEFT JOIN tracks ON albums.id = tracks.album
+ WHERE tracks.album IS NULL""")])
+ orphans = [ (orphan,) for orphan in orphan_black_ids & orphan_tracks_ids ]
+ connection.executemany('DELETE FROM albums WHERE id = (?);', orphans)
+ if not with_connection:
+ connection.commit()
+ self.close_database_connection(connection)
+ def _clean_tracks_table(self, with_connection=None):
+ """Clean orphan tracks"""
+ if with_connection:
+ connection = with_connection
+ else:
+ connection = self.get_database_connection()
+ hist_orphan_ids = set([row[0] for row in connection.execute(
+ """SELECT tracks.id FROM tracks
+ LEFT JOIN history ON tracks.id = history.track
+ WHERE history.track IS NULL""")])
+ black_list_orphan_ids = set([row[0] for row in connection.execute(
+ """SELECT tracks.id FROM tracks
+ LEFT JOIN black_list ON tracks.id = black_list.track
+ WHERE black_list.track IS NULL""")])
+ orphans = [ (orphan,) for orphan in hist_orphan_ids & black_list_orphan_ids ]
+ connection.executemany('DELETE FROM tracks WHERE id = (?);', orphans)
+ if not with_connection:
+ connection.commit()
+ self.close_database_connection(connection)
+ def clean_database(self, with_connection=None):
+ """Wrapper around _clean_* methods"""
+ if with_connection:
+ connection = with_connection
+ else:
+ connection = self.get_database_connection()
+ self._clean_tracks_table(with_connection=connection)
+ self._clean_albums_table(with_connection=connection)
+ self._clean_artists_table(with_connection=connection)
+ connection.execute("VACUUM")
+ if not with_connection:
+ connection.commit()
+ self.close_database_connection(connection)
+ def purge_history(self, duration=__HIST_DURATION__):
+ """Remove old entries in history"""
+ connection = self.get_database_connection()
+ connection.execute("DELETE FROM history WHERE last_play"
+ " < datetime('now', '-%i hours')" % duration)
+ connection.commit()
+ self.close_database_connection(connection)
+ def _set_dbversion(self):
+ connection = self.get_database_connection()
+ connection.execute('INSERT INTO db_info (version, name) VALUES (?, ?)',
+ (__DB_VERSION__, 'Sima DB'))
+ connection.commit()
+ self.close_database_connection(connection)
+ def create_db(self):
+ """ Set up a database for the artist similarity scores
+ """
+ connection = self.get_database_connection()
+ connection.execute(
+ ' (version INTEGER, name CHAR(36))')
+ connection.execute(
+ ' VARCHAR(100), mbid CHAR(36), lfm_updated DATE, usr_updated DATE)')
+ connection.execute(
+ 'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS usr_artist_2_artist (artist1 INTEGER,'
+ ' artist2 INTEGER, match INTEGER)')
+ connection.execute(
+ 'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS lfm_artist_2_artist (artist1 INTEGER,'
+ ' artist2 INTEGER, match INTEGER)')
+ connection.execute(
+ ' artist INTEGER, name VARCHAR(100), mbid CHAR(36))')
+ connection.execute(
+ ' name VARCHAR(100), artist INTEGER, album INTEGER,'
+ ' file VARCHAR(500), mbid CHAR(36))')
+ connection.execute(
+ 'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS black_list (artist INTEGER,'
+ ' album INTEGER, track INTEGER, updated DATE)')
+ connection.execute(
+ 'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS history (last_play DATE,'
+ ' track integer)')
+ connection.execute(
+ "CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS a2aa1x ON usr_artist_2_artist (artist1)")
+ connection.execute(
+ "CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS a2aa2x ON usr_artist_2_artist (artist2)")
+ connection.execute(
+ "CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS lfma2aa1x ON lfm_artist_2_artist (artist1)")
+ connection.execute(
+ "CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS lfma2aa2x ON lfm_artist_2_artist (artist2)")
+ connection.commit()
+ self.close_database_connection(connection)
+ self._set_dbversion()
+def main():
+ db = SimaDB(db_path='/tmp/sima.db')
+ db.purge_history(int(4))
+ db.clean_database()
+# Script starts here
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ main()
+# vim: ai ts=4 sw=4 sts=4 expandtab