--- /dev/null
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+import unittest
+from sima.lib.meta import Meta, Artist, is_uuid4
+from sima.lib.meta import WrongUUID4, MetaException
+VALID = '110E8100-E29B-41D1-A716-116655250000'
+class TestMetaObject(unittest.TestCase):
+ def test_uuid_integrity(self):
+ Meta(mbid=VALID, name='test')
+ Meta(mbid=VALID.lower(), name='test')
+ wrong = VALID +'a'
+ self.assertRaises(WrongUUID4, is_uuid4, wrong)
+ # test UUID4 format validation
+ self.assertRaises(WrongUUID4, is_uuid4, VALID.replace('4', '3'))
+ self.assertRaises(WrongUUID4, is_uuid4, VALID.replace('A', 'Z'))
+ def test_init(self):
+ for args in [
+ {'mbid':VALID},
+ {'name': None},
+ {},
+ ]:
+ with self.assertRaises(MetaException,
+ msg='{} does not raise an except.'.format(args)):
+ Meta(**args)
+ def test_equality(self):
+ a = Meta(mbid=VALID, name='a')
+ b = Meta(mbid=VALID, name='b')
+ self.assertEqual(a, b)
+ def test_hash(self):
+ a = Meta(mbid=VALID, name='a')
+ b = Meta(mbid=VALID, name='b')
+ c = Meta(mbid=VALID, name='c')
+ self.assertTrue(len({a,b,c}) == 1)
+ self.assertTrue(a in [c, b])
+ self.assertTrue(a in {c, b})
+ # mbid is immutable
+ self.assertRaises(AttributeError, a.__setattr__, 'mbid', VALID)
+ def test_identity(self):
+ a = Meta(mbid=VALID, name='a')
+ b = Meta(mbid=VALID, name='a')
+ self.assertTrue(a is not b)
+ def test_aliases(self):
+ art0 = Meta(name='Silver Mt. Zion')
+ art0.add_alias('A Silver Mt. Zion')
+ art0.add_alias(art0)
+ # Controls 'Silver Mt. Zion' is not in aliases
+ self.assertTrue('Silver Mt. Zion' not in art0.aliases)
+ # test equality str with Obj.__aliases
+ self.assertTrue(art0 == 'A Silver Mt. Zion')
+ self.assertTrue('A Silver Mt. Zion' == art0)
+ # test equality Obj.__name with OgjBis.__aliases
+ self.assertTrue(art0 == Meta(name='A Silver Mt. Zion'))
+ def test_union(self):
+ art00 = Meta(name='Aphex Twin',
+ mbid='f22942a1-6f70-4f48-866e-238cb2308fbd')
+ art02 = Meta(name='Some Other Name not even close, avoid fuzzy match',
+ mbid='f22942a1-6f70-4f48-866e-238cb2308fbd')
+ self.assertTrue(len({art00, art02}) == 1)
+ art00._Meta__name = art02._Meta__name = 'Aphex Twin'
+ self.assertTrue(len({art00, art02}) == 1)
+ # >>> len({Artist(name='Name'), Artist(name='Name', mbid=<UUID4>)}) == 2
+ art00._Meta__mbid = None
+ self.assertTrue(len({art00, art02}) == 2,
+ 'wrong: hash({!r}) == hash({!r})'.format(art00, art02))
+ # equivalent: self.assertTrue(hash(art00) != hash(art02))
+ # >>> len({Artist(name='Name'), Artist(name='Name')}) == 1
+ art00._Meta__mbid = art02._Meta__mbid = None
+ # equivalent: self.assertTrue(hash(art00) == hash(art02))
+ self.assertTrue(len({art00, art02}) == 1,
+ 'wrong: hash({!r}) != hash({!r})'.format(art00, art02))
+ def test_comparison(self):
+ art00 = Meta(name='Aphex Twin',
+ mbid='f22942a1-6f70-4f48-866e-238cb2308fbd')
+ art01 = Meta(name='Aphex Twin',)
+ art02 = Meta(name='Some Other Name not even close, avoid fuzzy match',
+ mbid='f22942a1-6f70-4f48-866e-238cb2308fbd')
+ art10 = Meta(name='Aphex Twin',
+ mbid='d22942a1-6f70-4f48-866e-238cb2308fbd')
+ # testing name/mbid == name/None
+ self.assertTrue(art00 == art01, 'wrong: %r != %r' % (art00, art01))
+ # testing name/mbid == other_name/mbid
+ self.assertTrue(art00 == art02, 'wrong: %r != %r' % (art00, art02))
+ # testing name/mbid != name/other_mbid
+ self.assertTrue(art00 != art10, 'wrong: %r == %r' % (art00, art10))
+ # Testing name/None == name/None
+ art10._Meta__mbid = None
+ self.assertTrue(art01 == art10, 'wrong: %r != %r' % (art00, art01))
+class TestArtistObject(unittest.TestCase):
+ def test_init(self):
+ artist = {'artist': ['Name featuring', 'Feature'],
+ 'albumartist': 'Name',
+ 'musicbrainz_artistid': VALID,
+ 'musicbrainz_albumartistid': VALID.replace('11', '22'),
+ }
+ art = Artist(**artist)
+ self.assertTrue(art.name == 'Name')
+ self.assertTrue(art.mbid == VALID.replace('11', '22'))
+ artist.pop('musicbrainz_albumartistid')
+ art = Artist(**artist)
+ self.assertTrue(art.mbid == VALID)
+ artist.pop('albumartist')
+ art = Artist(**artist)
+# vim: ai ts=4 sw=4 sts=4 expandtab