--- /dev/null
+# version: 0.0 : Date: 1970/01/01 00:0:00
+# TODO:
+# *
+DEBUG=${DEBUG:-"0"} # Set to 1 in order to enable DEBUG message.
+ ## Use "export DEBUG=1" in the calling script to enable it
+ ## or run:
+ # >$ DEBUG=1 script_name.sh
+ ## Only error message will be printed with DEBUG="0"
+PY3=${PY3:-$(which python3.3)}
+# Test virtualenv presence
+[ -x "$(which virtualenv)" ] || { echo "Cannot find virtualenv executable!"; exit 1; }
+[ -x "$(which ${PY3})" ] || { echo "Cannot find a python3.3 interpreter!"; exit 1; }
+[ "$DEBUG" != "0" ] && echo "python: $PY3"
+INSTALL_DIR=${INSTALL_DIR:-$(dirname $0)}
+# canonicalize path
+INSTALL_DIR=$(readlink -f ${INSTALL_DIR})
+[ "$DEBUG" != "0" ] && echo "install dir: $INSTALL_DIR"
+VENV_OPTIONS="--python=$PY3 --prompt="sima_venv" --no-site-packages --clear"
+[ "$DEBUG" = "0" ] && VENV_OPTIONS="$VENV_OPTIONS --quiet"
+virtualenv $VENV_OPTIONS $INSTALL_DIR/venv || { echo "something went wrong generating virtualenv"; exit 1; }
+. $INSTALL_DIR/venv/bin/activate
+[ "$DEBUG" = "0" ] && PIP_OPTIONS="$PIP_OPTIONS --quiet"
+pip $PIP_OPTIONS install $MUSICPD
+SIMA_LAUNCHER=$(readlink -f $(dirname $0))/launch
+SIMA_VLAUNCHER=$(readlink -f $(dirname $0))/vlaunch
+[ -x "$SIMA_LAUNCHER" ] || { echo "$SIMA_LAUNCHER not available"; exit 1; }
+. $INSTALL_DIR/venv/bin/activate
+python $SIMA_LAUNCHER $@
+# vim: fileencoding=utf8