MPD_sima v0.12.2
* Add some randomness to track selection
+ * Do not queue artist already queued (regression)
* …
-- kaliko jack <> UNRELEASED'First five similar artist(s): {}...'.format(
' / '.join([a for a in list(similar)[0:5]])))'Looking availability in music library')
- ret = self.get_artists_from_player(similar)
+ ret = set(self.get_artists_from_player(similar))
ret_extra = None
if len(self.history) >= 2:
if self.plugin_conf.getint('depth') > 1:
ret_extra = self.get_recursive_similar_artist()
if ret_extra:
- ret = list(set(ret) | set(ret_extra))
+ ret = set(ret) | set(ret_extra)
if not ret:
self.log.warning('Got nothing from music library.')
self.log.warning('Try running in debug mode to guess why...')
return []'Got {} artists in library'.format(len(ret)))
+ queued_artists = { trk.artist for trk in self.player.queue }
+ if ret & queued_artists:
+ self.log.debug('Removing already queued artist: {0}'.format(ret & queued_artists))
+ ret = list(ret - queued_artists)
# Move around similars items to get in unplayed|not recently played
# artist first.
return self._get_artists_list_reorg(ret)