python-musicpd Changes List
+Changes in 0.9.1
+ * Improved documentation, add supported commands rtype
Changes in 0.9.0
--- /dev/null
+"""python3 ./doc/ > ./doc/source/_commands.rst
+import pathlib
+import re
+import sys
+import musicpd
+START = 'self._commands = {'
+END = '}'
+ 'fetch_nothing': 'None',
+ 'fetch_object': 'dict',
+ 'fetch_list': 'list',
+ 'fetch_item': 'str',
+ 'fetch_playlist': 'list',
+ 'fetch_songs': 'list[dict]',
+ 'fetch_changes': 'list[dict]',
+ 'fetch_composite': 'dict',
+ 'fetch_playlists': 'dict',
+ 'fetch_database': 'list[dict]',
+ 'fetch_mounts': 'list[dict]',
+ 'fetch_neighbors': 'list[dict]',
+ 'fetch_outputs': 'list[dict]',
+ 'fetch_plugins': 'list[dict]',
+ 'fetch_messages': 'list[dict]',
+def find_start(fd):
+ line = fd.readline()
+ while START not in line:
+ line = fd.readline()
+ if not line:
+ break
+ if not line:
+ print('Reach end of file!', file=sys.stderr)
+ sys.exit(1)
+def main():
+ with open('', 'r', encoding='utf-8') as fd:
+ # fast forward to find self._commands
+ find_start(fd)
+ cmd_patt = '"(?P<command>.*)":'
+ cmd_patt = r'"(?P<command>.*?)": +self\._(?P<obj>.+?),'
+ tit_patt = '# (?P<title>[^#]+?) ?# ?(?P<anchor>.+?)$'
+ cmd_regex = re.compile(cmd_patt)
+ tit_regex = re.compile(tit_patt)
+ print(f'Below the commands list last updated for v{musicpd.VERSION}.')
+ # Now extract supported commands
+ line = 'foo'
+ while line and END not in line:
+ line = fd.readline()
+ cmd =
+ tit =
+ if tit:
+ print(f'\n{tit[1]}')
+ print('^'*len(tit[1]))
+ print(f'\nProtocol documentation: `{tit[1]} <{LATEST_PROTOCOL}#{tit[2]}>`_\n')
+ if cmd:
+ print(f'* **{cmd[1]}** -> {TYPE_MAPPING.get(cmd[2], "ukn")}')
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ main()
--- /dev/null
+Below the commands list last updated for v0.9.1.
+Querying MPD’s status
+Protocol documentation: `Querying MPD’s status <>`_
+* **clearerror** -> None
+* **currentsong** -> dict
+* **idle** -> list
+* **status** -> dict
+* **stats** -> dict
+Playback Option
+Protocol documentation: `Playback Option <>`_
+* **consume** -> None
+* **crossfade** -> None
+* **mixrampdb** -> None
+* **mixrampdelay** -> None
+* **random** -> None
+* **repeat** -> None
+* **setvol** -> None
+* **getvol** -> dict
+* **single** -> None
+* **replay_gain_mode** -> None
+* **replay_gain_status** -> str
+* **volume** -> None
+Controlling playback
+Protocol documentation: `Controlling playback <>`_
+* **next** -> None
+* **pause** -> None
+* **play** -> None
+* **playid** -> None
+* **previous** -> None
+* **seek** -> None
+* **seekid** -> None
+* **seekcur** -> None
+* **stop** -> None
+The Queue
+Protocol documentation: `The Queue <>`_
+* **add** -> None
+* **addid** -> str
+* **clear** -> None
+* **delete** -> None
+* **deleteid** -> None
+* **move** -> None
+* **moveid** -> None
+* **playlist** -> list
+* **playlistfind** -> list[dict]
+* **playlistid** -> list[dict]
+* **playlistinfo** -> list[dict]
+* **playlistsearch** -> list[dict]
+* **plchanges** -> list[dict]
+* **plchangesposid** -> list[dict]
+* **prio** -> None
+* **prioid** -> None
+* **rangeid** -> None
+* **shuffle** -> None
+* **swap** -> None
+* **swapid** -> None
+* **addtagid** -> None
+* **cleartagid** -> None
+Stored playlists
+Protocol documentation: `Stored playlists <>`_
+* **listplaylist** -> list
+* **listplaylistinfo** -> list[dict]
+* **listplaylists** -> dict
+* **load** -> None
+* **playlistadd** -> None
+* **playlistclear** -> None
+* **playlistdelete** -> None
+* **playlistmove** -> None
+* **rename** -> None
+* **rm** -> None
+* **save** -> None
+The music database
+Protocol documentation: `The music database <>`_
+* **albumart** -> dict
+* **count** -> dict
+* **getfingerprint** -> dict
+* **find** -> list[dict]
+* **findadd** -> None
+* **list** -> list
+* **listall** -> list[dict]
+* **listallinfo** -> list[dict]
+* **listfiles** -> list[dict]
+* **lsinfo** -> list[dict]
+* **readcomments** -> dict
+* **readpicture** -> dict
+* **search** -> list[dict]
+* **searchadd** -> None
+* **searchaddpl** -> None
+* **update** -> str
+* **rescan** -> str
+Mounts and neighbors
+Protocol documentation: `Mounts and neighbors <>`_
+* **mount** -> None
+* **unmount** -> None
+* **listmounts** -> list[dict]
+* **listneighbors** -> list[dict]
+Protocol documentation: `Stickers <>`_
+* **sticker get** -> str
+* **sticker set** -> None
+* **sticker delete** -> None
+* **sticker list** -> list
+* **sticker find** -> list[dict]
+Connection settings
+Protocol documentation: `Connection settings <>`_
+* **password** -> None
+* **ping** -> None
+* **binarylimit** -> None
+* **tagtypes** -> list
+* **tagtypes disable** -> None
+* **tagtypes enable** -> None
+* **tagtypes clear** -> None
+* **tagtypes all** -> None
+Partition Commands
+Protocol documentation: `Partition Commands <>`_
+* **partition** -> None
+* **listpartitions** -> list
+* **newpartition** -> None
+* **delpartition** -> None
+* **moveoutput** -> None
+Audio output devices
+Protocol documentation: `Audio output devices <>`_
+* **disableoutput** -> None
+* **enableoutput** -> None
+* **toggleoutput** -> None
+* **outputs** -> list[dict]
+* **outputset** -> None
+Protocol documentation: `Reflection <>`_
+* **config** -> dict
+* **commands** -> list
+* **notcommands** -> list
+* **urlhandlers** -> list
+* **decoders** -> list[dict]
+Client to Client
+Protocol documentation: `Client to Client <>`_
+* **subscribe** -> None
+* **unsubscribe** -> None
+* **channels** -> list
+* **readmessages** -> list[dict]
+* **sendmessage** -> None
-.. SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2018-2023 kaliko <>
+.. SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2018-2024 kaliko <>
.. SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later
.. _commands:
import musicpd
print(' '.join([cmd for cmd in musicpd.MPDClient()._commands.keys()]))
-List, last updated for v0.8.0:
-.. literalinclude:: commands.txt
+.. include:: _commands.rst
- commands.rst
+ commands.rst
:py:class:`musicpd.MPDClient` methods returns different kinds of objects
depending on the command. Could be :py:obj:`None`, a single object as a
-:py:obj:`str` or a :py:obj:`dict`, a list of :py:obj:`dict`.
+:py:obj:`str`, a :py:obj:`list`, a :py:obj:`dict` or a list of :py:obj:`dict`.
+See :ref:`commands exposed in the module<commands>` for more about returned
Then :py:class:`musicpd.MPDClient` **methods signatures** are not hard coded
within this module since the protocol is handled on the server side. Please
NEXT = "list_OK"
#: Module version
-VERSION = '0.9.0'
+VERSION = '0.9.1'
#: Seconds before a connection attempt times out
#: (overriden by :envvar:`MPD_TIMEOUT` env. var.)
.. note:: This is the version of the protocol spoken, not the real version of the daemon."""
self._commands = {
- # Status Commands
+ # Querying MPD’s status # querying-mpd-s-status
"clearerror": self._fetch_nothing,
"currentsong": self._fetch_object,
"idle": self._fetch_list,
#"noidle": None,
"status": self._fetch_object,
"stats": self._fetch_object,
- # Playback Option Commands
+ # Playback Option # playback-options
"consume": self._fetch_nothing,
"crossfade": self._fetch_nothing,
"mixrampdb": self._fetch_nothing,
"replay_gain_mode": self._fetch_nothing,
"replay_gain_status": self._fetch_item,
"volume": self._fetch_nothing,
- # Playback Control Commands
+ # Controlling playback # controlling-playback
"next": self._fetch_nothing,
"pause": self._fetch_nothing,
"play": self._fetch_nothing,
"seekid": self._fetch_nothing,
"seekcur": self._fetch_nothing,
"stop": self._fetch_nothing,
- # Queue Commands
+ # The Queue # the-queue
"add": self._fetch_nothing,
"addid": self._fetch_item,
"clear": self._fetch_nothing,
"swapid": self._fetch_nothing,
"addtagid": self._fetch_nothing,
"cleartagid": self._fetch_nothing,
- # Stored Playlist Commands
+ # Stored playlists # stored-playlists
"listplaylist": self._fetch_list,
"listplaylistinfo": self._fetch_songs,
"listplaylists": self._fetch_playlists,
"rename": self._fetch_nothing,
"rm": self._fetch_nothing,
"save": self._fetch_nothing,
- # Database Commands
+ # The music database # the-music-database
"albumart": self._fetch_composite,
"count": self._fetch_object,
"getfingerprint": self._fetch_object,
"searchaddpl": self._fetch_nothing,
"update": self._fetch_item,
"rescan": self._fetch_item,
- # Mounts and neighbors
+ # Mounts and neighbors # mounts-and-neighbors
"mount": self._fetch_nothing,
"unmount": self._fetch_nothing,
"listmounts": self._fetch_mounts,
"listneighbors": self._fetch_neighbors,
- # Sticker Commands
+ # Stickers # stickers
"sticker get": self._fetch_item,
"sticker set": self._fetch_nothing,
"sticker delete": self._fetch_nothing,
"sticker list": self._fetch_list,
"sticker find": self._fetch_songs,
- # Connection Commands
+ # Connection settings # connection-settings
"close": None,
"kill": None,
"password": self._fetch_nothing,
"tagtypes enable": self._fetch_nothing,
"tagtypes clear": self._fetch_nothing,
"tagtypes all": self._fetch_nothing,
- # Partition Commands
+ # Partition Commands # partition-commands
"partition": self._fetch_nothing,
"listpartitions": self._fetch_list,
"newpartition": self._fetch_nothing,
"delpartition": self._fetch_nothing,
"moveoutput": self._fetch_nothing,
- # Audio Output Commands
+ # Audio output devices # audio-output-devices
"disableoutput": self._fetch_nothing,
"enableoutput": self._fetch_nothing,
"toggleoutput": self._fetch_nothing,
"outputs": self._fetch_outputs,
"outputset": self._fetch_nothing,
- # Reflection Commands
+ # Reflection # reflection
"config": self._fetch_object,
"commands": self._fetch_list,
"notcommands": self._fetch_list,
"urlhandlers": self._fetch_list,
"decoders": self._fetch_plugins,
- # Client to Client
+ # Client to Client # client-to-client
"subscribe": self._fetch_nothing,
"unsubscribe": self._fetch_nothing,
"channels": self._fetch_list,