python-mpd ========== Getting python-mpd ------------------ The latest release of python-mpd can be found at[]. Getting the latest source code ------------------------------ If you would instead like to use the latest source code, you can grab a copy of the development version from git by running the command: git clone git:// Installing from source ---------------------- To install python-mpd from source, simply run the command: python3 install You can use the `--help` switch to `` for a complete list of commands and their options. See the[Installing Python Modules] document for more details. Using the client library ------------------------ The client library can be used as follows: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ client = mpd.MPDClient() # create client object client.connect("localhost", 6600) # connect to localhost:6600 print client.mpd_version # print the mpd version print client.cmd("one", 2) # print result of the command "cmd one 2" client.close() # send the close command client.disconnect() # disconnect from the server ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ A list of supported commands, their arguments (as MPD currently understands them), and the functions used to parse their responses can be found in `doc/commands.txt`. See the[MPD protocol documentation] for more details. Command lists are also supported using `command_list_ok_begin()` and `command_list_end()`: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ client.command_list_ok_begin() # start a command list client.update() # insert the update command into the list client.status() # insert the status command into the list results = client.command_list_end() # results will be a list with the results ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Commands may also return iterators instead of lists if `iterate` is set to `True`: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ client.iterate = True for song in client.playlistinfo(): print song["file"] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Contacting authors ------------------ You can contact the original author by emailing J. Alexander Treuman . He can also be found idling in #mpd on as jat. The current maintainer can be found on xmpp chat room or you can contact him by email/xmpp .