]> kaliko git repositories - python-musicpd.git/history - .gitlab-ci.yml
Releasing 0.9.0
[python-musicpd.git] / .gitlab-ci.yml
11 days ago Kaliko Jackci: Intercept pyproject changes
13 days ago Kaliko JackImproved exceptions doc, fixed sphinx warnings
2023-11-12 Kaliko Jackci: Add python 3.12 test
2023-11-11 Kaliko Jackci: Scheduled pipeline runs test/build
2023-11-11 Kaliko Jackci: Add conditional builds
2023-11-11 Kaliko Jackci: Cleanup
2023-11-11 Kaliko Jackci: s/only/changes/
2023-11-11 Kaliko Jackpyproject migration
2023-04-12 Kaliko Jackci: Add caching
2023-03-02 Kaliko JackAdd CI tests with python 3.6 and fixed yaml format
2022-12-18 Kaliko JackAdd CI tests with python 3.11
2022-02-09 Kaliko JackAdd CI tests with python 3.10
2021-05-28 Kaliko JackAdd different version of python
2021-02-17 Kaliko Jackci: Use "twine check" instead of "setup.py check"
2020-12-05 Kaliko Jackci: Install a single package only with pip.
2018-11-14 Kaliko JackAdd sphinx doc (closes #3)
2018-11-01 Kaliko JackAdd .gitlab-ci.yml